I am usually described as having dark brown or black hair, but sometimes I am portrayed as having blonde hair. During the winter, my hair is dark as well as my eyes. In the spring, I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am considered to be young looking (around 18), and I do not age. I have a very delicate face and a normal size, height, and weight. I am described as being incredibly beautiful and overall irresistible.
I am usually portrayed in traditional Greek clothes (white dress, sandals, etc.). Most of the time during the spring, I have flowers in my hair and I wear light colored dresses. During the winter months, I wear darker clothes.
My parents are Zeus and Demeter. My husband is Hades whom I live in the Underworld with for a majority of each year. Hades and I have no children, but I have two children named Zagreus and Melinoe who are fathered by Zeus.
The gods and goddesses Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hermes, and Hephaestus are my half-siblings. I however, am the only daughter of Zeus and Demeter.
I am the goddess of spring and the Queen of the Underworld. I am considered to be optimistic in general. As a child I was quiet, unassuming, and eager to please those around me. I was also quite introverted and preferred to be alone.
As a mature woman, I began to learn that I needed to meet my own needs and take care of myself instead of trying to please everyone around me.
My powers include the ability of read the hearts and minds of others and have great empathy toward those who are suffering.
Also, when I return to Earth from the Underworld, my mother Demeter sends spring into action and takes away the cold dreariness of winter.
My weakness is that my beauty can attract unwanted attention, such as the attention from my husband Hades before I came to love him.
I find it interesting that you go by the name Persesphone, even though the despised Hades gave it to you?