Monday, February 23, 2015
Required Post #9
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Required Post #8

Hello again everyone, it's Persephone. In this post I am going to tell you about the resolution of my myth. Since my myth is really pretty short, the conclusion is not very complicated nor is it very lengthy. So, that being said, my myth basically ends with Zeus and Hades coming to a conclusion on how Hades will steal me away from my mother, Demeter, and take me to the Underworld as his wife. While formulating their plan, they come across the idea that Hades will come out of the earth, and quietly and discretely take me down to the Underworld with him. Zeus agrees to this plan wanting to make his brother happy, and Hades goes back to the Underworld to prepare his plans and my arrival.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Required Post #7

Hello again, everyone! In this post I am going to talk about the climax of my myth. Since this myth is fairly short, I feel that there is no true and obvious climax, but when Zeus actually allows Hades that he can marry me is probably the most suspenseful part.

Monday, February 9, 2015
Required Post #6
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Required Post #5
Hi again guys, it's Persephone. In this post I am going to tell you a little bit about my husband, Hades, and my father, Zeus.

Required Post #4
Hi guys, its Persephone again. You would find it unbelievable how little the amount of myths there are about me. It's offensive considering that I am pretty important if I say so myself, after all I am married to one of the most powerful gods and without me there wouldn't be seasons... Anyway, since I could only find two myths even mentioning me, this post is about the myth in which Hades asked my father Zeus if he could marry me. Truth be told, I had absolutely no interest in marrying Hades, not that I had any idea that he wanted to marry me. In fact, I did not wish to marry anyone and would have preferred to stay a maiden. My original name, Kore, even translated to "the maiden" in Greek. My mother, Demeter, also did not want me to find a suitor and wanted me to stay with her for eternity. My understanding of what happened in this myth was that Hades went to Mount Olympus to share with Zeus his interest in marrying me. My father agreed to let Hades marry me and take me to the Underworld with him. They formulated a plan to capture me so that Hades could take me back down to the Underworld with him. Like I previously stated, this myth takes place on Mount Olympus. I consider Olympus beautiful, as it should be with all of us gods and goddesses traveling through there frequently. While Zeus and Hades were talking, I assume that it was a pretty laid back conversation. I mean it's not like I was the most prized or favorited daughter of Zeus. This meant that Zeus had pretty much no problem giving me to his evil brother. Truth be told this is not the most complex of myths nor the most interesting, but after hours of trying to find any myths about me on this stupid internet thing, I had to give in to a pretty uninteresting and non descriptive myth. Sorry guys...
Monday, February 2, 2015
Required Post #3

Required Post #2
While I am on Earth with my mother Demeter, I am responsible for helping her with the crops and her gardens. Since I am only able to be with her for half of the year, I try to be as big of a help as I can. I enjoy spending time with my mother, but eventually I have to go back to the Underworld to be with Hades.
While I am with my husband Hades, my duties lie as being Queen of the Underworld. My responsibilities include not only being a hostess, but a guide to new souls entering the Underworld as well. While in the Underworld I also have to entertain and be company to Hades, which is sometimes not the most enjoyable of things to be doing (he can be rather hot-headed at times).
There are different animals that I am associated with. Some of these animals are the bat, ram, deer, and parrots. The bat symbolizes more of my personality when I am in the underworld. It can get pretty dark in there... The ram and the deer symbolize more of my demeanor when I am with my mother.
The main plant/fruit that people usually associate with me is the pomegranate. Not only is this fruit delicious, but it is what forces me to stay in the Underworld for part of the year. The willow tree, lily, ivy, lily of the valley, oriental lily, maidenhair fern, daisy, and lavender are also considered some of my plant symbols.
Some objects that symbolize me are a wreath of flowers worn in hair, a torch, reeds, waterfalls, rivers, and springs. Many of these are not surprising because after all, I am the goddess of spring time.
I was assumed to have a perfectly normal birth, which some say was in a meadow. It is not completely known where my place of birth was.
Many would consider my personality to be nearly as beautiful as my looks. Since I was firstly the goddess of spring and youth, I have a kind and innocent nature. Actually, one of the main reasons that Hades decided to make me his bride was because my lively spirit would help to brighten the doom and gloom of the Underworld.
To most people I am considered flawless in general, although I would consider a major flaw that I have to be gullibility. After all, I did trust the king of hell to just give me food without repercussions while in the Underworld...
As for culture, I am obviously worshiped by the ancient Greek peoples, but I do not have much of a place in modern culture.
Hades could be considered both my friend and my enemy. He is my enemy because he is the reason why I cannot be with my mother when I wish to. He is also my friend because I have grown to love him in a sense. One of my most cherished friends is my mother and I greatly enjoy spending time with her even though it is limited.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Required Post #1

I am usually described as having dark brown or black hair, but sometimes I am portrayed as having blonde hair. During the winter, my hair is dark as well as my eyes. In the spring, I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am considered to be young looking (around 18), and I do not age. I have a very delicate face and a normal size, height, and weight. I am described as being incredibly beautiful and overall irresistible.
I am usually portrayed in traditional Greek clothes (white dress, sandals, etc.). Most of the time during the spring, I have flowers in my hair and I wear light colored dresses. During the winter months, I wear darker clothes.
My parents are Zeus and Demeter. My husband is Hades whom I live in the Underworld with for a majority of each year. Hades and I have no children, but I have two children named Zagreus and Melinoe who are fathered by Zeus.
The gods and goddesses Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hermes, and Hephaestus are my half-siblings. I however, am the only daughter of Zeus and Demeter.
I am the goddess of spring and the Queen of the Underworld. I am considered to be optimistic in general. As a child I was quiet, unassuming, and eager to please those around me. I was also quite introverted and preferred to be alone.
As a mature woman, I began to learn that I needed to meet my own needs and take care of myself instead of trying to please everyone around me.
My powers include the ability of read the hearts and minds of others and have great empathy toward those who are suffering.
Also, when I return to Earth from the Underworld, my mother Demeter sends spring into action and takes away the cold dreariness of winter.
My weakness is that my beauty can attract unwanted attention, such as the attention from my husband Hades before I came to love him.
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